1/2 Gainer vs. Dirty Bomb

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1/2 Gainer vs. Dirty Bomb

Postby pvictory » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:02 am

So this seems like a strange comparison, I realize, as the HG is (from my understanding--correct me if I'm wrong) two LTDs in one (low gain) and the DB is the big nasty metal guy in the Barber family (not that metal guys are nasty, many are quite polite, but they play some nasty licks and such, so...). One would think these two wouldn't be vying for a place on the board I'm building from the ground up (and maybe I'll end up with both) but here is one idea: use the two HG in multiple roles two different low gains, and then use it to stack with a DD as well as my amps gain channel. I feel like stacked I could probably get some big crunch and liquidity for sustain and such. However, I recently test drove a high gain pedal that I'm certain isn't likely to be as nice as the DB, and through the clean channel it provided all the gain I need for solos in a single pedal. That sounds great and I'm sure it'd be even better with the DB, but I actually prefer stacking pedals because then its a single stomp on/off in and out of a solo, and as the singer and, more importantly, as a mic-bumping, wire-tripping, wrong-pedal stomping clutz, I like simplicity whenever it is possible.

So I guess my question is how does the HG "stack" up? I'm sure it sounds great, but if I feed it into my DD or my gain channel will I get the semi-high gain sounds I'm seeking for solos? (The sounds clips posted at myspace are obviously not up to what I truly want, but they give an idea where I'm heading.) Or is this backward thinking and should I just go Dirty Bombing and practice those tap dance steps? I don't do a whole lot of super-heavy palm muted crunch sounds, so the db would be kind of a one trick deal (albeit an important trick).

As always, any an all help is greatly appreciated.
91 MIA Fender Strat, Barber DD, Fender The Twin

songs @ http://www.myspace.com/pyrrhicvictory
(recorded with Strat, Danelectro Daddy-O, Tech 21 Comptortion, Fender Deluxe Reverb II)
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Re: 1/2 Gainer vs. Dirty Bomb

Postby Ronni » Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:47 pm

Well.. For starters. To correct you. The HG is not 2 LTD's in one.. That would be (Dual Discrete two units in one box) The HG is a 2channel LTD.. That is different. You get separate Vol, gain. But both ch's share tone controls. Dual Discrete is 2 units.. Not sharing tone controls.

The HG would stack fine with the DD if that's what you want. They all seem to stack fine.. Now I'm not big on stacking. But since I've been building Dual Discrete's I'm liking some of them stacking.. Like SS/SR or SS/LG. Using it in my studio has been useful.

But live stacking just really isn't my thing. But if you dig it, most of our units play nice together.

But even though I think the SS/SR setup stacks nice.. When I'm needing lots of gain and a certain tone, like modern hard rock nothing beats the Dirty Bomb.
It's hard to say what your looking for... But stacking a HG with a DD would work fine. I don't think it could replace the DB for what that DB tone is..If you follow me.

it's really apples & oranges.. different tones.
G&L Legacy Special, PRS SE soapbar II, beefed up PV Classic50 4X10, Barber pedals, Budda Wah , Line6 green/blue F/X.
Then a bunch of studio stuff.
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Re: 1/2 Gainer vs. Dirty Bomb

Postby pvictory » Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:05 pm

Thanks for the clarification Ronni. I appreciate it.

So what I'm taking from this, let me just make sure I've got this right (its not that often), even with one of the HG channels set to a pretty high (relative to the pedal) gain and stacked with a DD, I'm not going to get the same kind of singing sustain and easy hammering and such as I would with the DB into a clean channel.

That helps a lot. Thanks.
91 MIA Fender Strat, Barber DD, Fender The Twin

songs @ http://www.myspace.com/pyrrhicvictory
(recorded with Strat, Danelectro Daddy-O, Tech 21 Comptortion, Fender Deluxe Reverb II)
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Re: 1/2 Gainer vs. Dirty Bomb

Postby Ronni » Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:19 pm

pvictory wrote:Thanks for the clarification Ronni. I appreciate it.

So what I'm taking from this, let me just make sure I've got this right (its not that often), even with one of the HG channels set to a pretty high (relative to the pedal) gain and stacked with a DD, I'm not going to get the same kind of singing sustain and easy hammering and such as I would with the DB into a clean channel.

That helps a lot. Thanks.

I don't think so..but maybe :shock:

It's up to you.. You may find the HG/DD enough.. but the DB I think is more modern tone. and just that over the top gain when you need it..
But having the HG ch1 set for say lower gain and ch2 for a little higher..is pretty nice. Then having the DD for more gain is a good sound.. But if i'm doing hard Rock ala Foo Fighters I'm reaching for the Dirty Bomb for the heavy stuff and maybe a DD or DDSS for the medium gain.
Depends on your style and style of music..
G&L Legacy Special, PRS SE soapbar II, beefed up PV Classic50 4X10, Barber pedals, Budda Wah , Line6 green/blue F/X.
Then a bunch of studio stuff.
Tunes: http://www.bigbangaudio.com//MP3/johnnylaw_tunes/JL_covers.html


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Re: 1/2 Gainer vs. Dirty Bomb

Postby mjcyates » Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:44 pm

The best solution is to buy one of everything that David and Ronni make. Then you don't have to complicate your life with all of these questions. :D
Musicman Silhouette, Reverend Warhawk, Fender Telecaster ('78), Fender Hot Rod Deluxe with Texas Heat, Blackheart Little Giant combo
Barber Tone Press, Barber Direct Drive, Barber Dirty Bomb, Barber LTD v1, Barber Barb EQ, Barber Tone Pump EQ, Garagetone Drivetrain, Nova Repeater, Ernie Ball Vp Jr., Korg Pitchblack
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Re: 1/2 Gainer vs. Dirty Bomb

Postby pvictory » Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:01 pm

This sounds about right, MJ. I wouldn't have to complicate this forum either with all my posts. Maybe I should devote some time to a second job and then I'll stock up on everything Barber.

Now if only I could get hold of an Echelon (or whatever the next generation Barber amp will be) and if only they'd make a delay... oh and heck maybe a tremolo too. Or better yet, that could be included in the amp. Great ideas, right? As if these guys don't have enough work to do. ;)
91 MIA Fender Strat, Barber DD, Fender The Twin

songs @ http://www.myspace.com/pyrrhicvictory
(recorded with Strat, Danelectro Daddy-O, Tech 21 Comptortion, Fender Deluxe Reverb II)
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